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Private Lessons

Private and semi-private lessons can be arranged for individuals for half hour or one hour time frames.

A series of five lessons may be used by multiple family members, Caledon MEMBERS ONLY.

We appreciate when your guests use the Snow School for private lessons and encourage you to have them reach out to us at 519-927-9975 to pre book their lessons. To ensure that we have staff available to help make the most of their time at Caledon have them contact us one week prior to coming to the Club. The following pricing does not include the Guest Lift Ticket. Guests are required to be on the Caledon Reservation List before scheduling a Private lesson. Guests are permitted up to 4 times on weekends and 10 times on weekdays during the season. 

All private lessons start from the Main Lodge.  Meeting place is at the Eaton's Annex Hill Map/Private Lesson Flag.


Please check in for each lesson 20 minutes prior to the start of the lesson at the Alpine Office in the Main Lodge or by calling us at 519-927-9975.


All lessons in a series must be used by the end of the season. We are unable to carry unused lessons forward to the next season.  Private Lessons can be Pre-Booked two week in advance.

Cancellations or Changes  require 48hours notice for a 100% Refund.

Failure to Cancel or Change the private lesson by this Deadline, will result in a $30 No Show Charge.  We accept cancellations or changes by PHONE ONLY at 519-927-9975.

Payment is due at the time of Booking.

Child (13 and under) $85 / Hour - Each Additional Person $30/hr  
Adult (14+) $100 / Hour - Each Additional Person $30/hr

For Members Only a series of 5 lessons:

Child (13 and under) - 5 pack/1 hour $400 - Each Additional Person $150
Adult (14+) 5 pack/1 hour $475 (+ hst) - Each Additional Person $150

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