Member registration is OPENING – October 3, 2024 at 7:00am
Register online - Login into your Member Account.
Payment & Registration - Required prior to registration are Annual Dues paid in full, Winter Waiver for all family members. After Membership payment and all other documents are received the Alpine Development Department will require TWO WEEKS to process your program registration. Program payment is due at the time of registration. Students will not be added to the program until payment is received and spots cannot be held for a student without full payment. Payment is accepted in the form of Cheque, Debit, Visa, MasterCard or Amex. If you wish to pay by AMEX, cheque or Debit please stop by the Alpine Office to register.
Early Bird Pricing – Register before October 21st to get Early Bird Pricing. Prices increase on October 22 and again on November 12th, and on December 4th. Price increases are listed in each program where applicable. Early Bird Pricing is extended until February 17th for March Break Camps.
Please note that registrations after December 4th may not be able to be accommodated. The Alpine Development Department will require two weeks to process your registration to allow students to be placed in the appropriate group. If we can accommodate a late registration, participation in the group may be delayed until the following week. All programs must have adequate enrollment to be run by the Alpine Development Department.
Emergency Contact Information – When registering online, please ensure your phone numbers in your Member Profile are current. We require the cell number of the guardian(s) who will be at the hill most frequently with your children. Remember to have your phone switched on and check frequently, should we need to contact you.
Friend Requests - Please note that we will do our best to have your children grouped with their friends. You can add this request in the “notes” section when registering online. Please note that grouping is done based on the participants ability, this important step will help ensure that your children will improve and have fun at the same time! Both children’s parents need to make the request in order for it to be considered.
Skill/Ability Level - Students are evaluated the first day of class and may move from one level to another to facilitate a better learning environment in order to develop their skills. Please complete the ability level to the best of your knowledge as this will help us with the initial grouping.
Refunds / Cancellations - The Member experience at the Club is of utmost importance to us in the Alpine Development Program. We want you to know that once registered in our programs your investment will be protected should we be forced to make alterations to what we offer. Our policy in general is that a prorated refund will be applied without any administration fees should we have an unexpected end to the season. Where certain programs experience additional costs beyond the cancellation date, the refund will be subject to those costs. Refund of Camp Programs 100% less $50 Administration Fee on or before December 1st. After December 1st 50% Refund less $50 Admin Fee. Refund of 8wk programs on or before December 4st 100% less $50 Admin Fee, after December 4th and before the start date 50% Refund less $50 Administration Fee.
Program Changes – Changes after week 1 are at the discretion of the Club. Changes to registrations are subject to a $50 Administration Fee. A "Program Change Form” obtained from the Alpine Office must be given to the Supervisor of the new Program before the student can join the class.
Missed Classes - If a class is cancelled a make-up class will be scheduled when possible. If your child is absent from a class there is no make-up provided. Due to the large number of children enrolled and to ensure our students remain within a safe student/teacher ratio, we cannot accommodate movement from one day to another or switching afternoon and morning group times.
Confirmation & Receipts- If you do not get a confirmation e-mail within 48 hours please contact the Alpine Development Office to ensure you are registered.
Alpine Development Office 519 927-9975
Member Services (Annual Dues, Winter Waivers) 519 927-5221 x223